To convert an extruded EPDM profile in to a loop gasket, butt joint is the most common method. In this the two ends of the profile are cleaned with a special solution and joined together under heat & pressure to form an endless seal.
In some applications where the perimeter of frame to which the gasket is to be fitted has sharp edges and requires a 90 degree turn, the profiles are spliced at 45 degree to form the joint using the above process.
In order to make the joint stronger and good aesthetics, many a time the profiles are joined using molded corners. This process also allows to join two profiles with different cross section to form a single gasket or seal.
Profiles that are fitted in an exterior environment requires water drain holes to be drilled at specific locations. These drain holes make sure that the water is kept out.
Whether online or as a secondary operation, the profiles can be notched or punched at desired location or length.
Profiles can be drilled and clips fitted to make the piece ready to fit and clipped.
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